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Couples Therapy in Frisco, TX

Your spouse should to be your primary source of emotional support and intimate connection. Marriage is at it's best when it supports vulnerability, truth and transparency between partners.

It is normal for couples to experience periods of difficulty at some point in marriage. These difficulties can range from communication breakdowns, decreased intimacy, parenting challenges and even loss of trust due to infidelity or an affair.


However, when that "safe"  place no longer feels safe, you can begin to feel alone, scared, lonely and overwhelmed. When you no longer feel safe to connect with your partner, hurt and resentment can set in; leaving the couple vulnerable to increasing conflict and emotional withdrawal.

It's not uncommon to find yourself feeling disconnected and withdrawn from the person that you love the most. No matter what the challenge might be, the way the couple responds to that challenge can make the difference in the quality of the marriage. Seeking professional couple or marriage therapy can help your relationship get back on track.


My work is informed by the idea that the key to a long, happy, healthy marriage is for both partners to allow for truth to be spoken. Finding the courage to lovingly and respectfully share your thoughts, feelings, and needs allows your partner to know you intimately and creates a powerful attachment. I strive to provide that safe space for couples to do this sacred work.

Couples therapy can help couples resolve these common problems:

Communication Difficulties

  • Fighting

  • Distancing and Withdrawl

  • Shutting Down

  • Repetitive,unresolved ​recycled arguments and disagreements


Parenting Difficulties

  • Disagreements regarding parenting and discipline

  • Feeling undermined as a parent by your spouse

  • "Empty Nest" adjustment

  • Blended family challenges

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  • Feelings of betrayal by spouse

  • Loss of trust

  • Emotional involvement with person outside of marriage

  • Extra-marital sexual affair

  • Excessive use of pornography 

  • Other sexual behaviors outside of marriage

Intimacy Issues

  • Feeling disconneced and misunderstood

  • Decreased passion

  • Loss of affection 

  • Decreased sex

  • Excessive use of electronics

  • Avoidance of vulnerability

I would love to help you create and nurture a happy, loving, connected relationship.

"I am honored to walk alongside you and your spouse to help you have those difficult conversations and deal with those tough issuess, so that you can restore your connection.  I welcome the opportunity to help you and your spouse find your way back to each other and create that relationship that you desire. If that sounds good to you, then you are in the right place."

-Kimberly Gist Miller, LMFT-S

Are you ready to get started on the road to healing the connection and restoring intimacy in your marriage?

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